Due to Fight between Pilot Captain Manik Lal and AME Engineer V T Kannan Air India AI 143 from Chennai to Paris delayed by three hours

Due to Fight between Pilot Captain Manik Lal and AME Engineer V T Kannan
Air India  AI 143 from Chennai to Paris delayed by three hours  

Captain Manik Lal and the engineer as V T Kannan.
Air India Flight from Chennai to Paris

Air India Flight from Chennai to Paris delayed by three hours after FIGHT breaks out in the cockpit between the Pilot and an engineer 
Plane was scheduled to leave Chennai for Delhi at 9.45am local time
But fight between Pilot and engineer saw delay for the 122 passengers
Pilot has been stood down while Air India investigate incident 
An Air India Flight from Chennai to Paris was delayed by three hours earlier this morning after a fight broke out in the cockpit between the Pilot and an engineer. 
The plane had arrived from Mumbai and was scheduled to take off at 0945 Hrs  to Delhi but developed a technical snag. 

Air India have confirmed that the Pilot allegedly assaulted a ground engineer on board Flight number AI 143 as he prepared to take off.

It is believed an argument over the delay caused tensions to rise that developed into a fight.

The Economic Times are reporting that the Pilot was not convinced the problem had been rectified, and refused to fly.
Air India ordered an inquiry into the incident, which delayed the Flight with 122 passengers on board, said Airline spokesman GP Rao.
Named the Pilot as Captain Manik Lal and the engineer as V T Kannan.

An Air India official told The Times: 'He (Lal) was not pleased to see too many people inside the cockpit and started to send them out. 
'The Flight engineer V T Kannan reached the cockpit and informed the Pilot that the plane was yet to be handed over to the crew for flying. 
'But the Pilot refused to pay heed to the explanation' 
The Flight departed after another Pilot replaced the one involved in the incident, Rao added, saying that it was not immediately known what triggered the clash.
The Press Trust of India news agency said the engineer, who was in the Aircraft for a routine check, suffered a minor chin injury.
The Flight departed around three hours later than scheduled, Arriving in Delhi 2.50pm local time.
The Delhi to Paris leg was 30 minutes behind schedule. 

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